Anna Maria Island News

Use this page for all your Island news ranging from the best gossip in town to the best vacation accommodation bargains. I have lived on the island for 20 years, so am still considered a newcomer but then no one cares in this great laid back atmosphere. Fishing, boating, cook outs and generally enjoying life is more important than work.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Picked some great bargains off the sale rails down at the De Sota Mall in Bradenton and then took in a movie. Just 15 minutes drive along Cortez Road, cross the Highway 41 intersection and you can be in shopping heaven. Enjoyed a cappuccino in Starbucks and picked out some suggestions for my Christmas list in the jewelery store - there's no harm in hoping!

Anna Maria Island's nearest largeer city is Bradenton, a vibrant young community with many small shops, thriving businesses and large shopping malls. It is also home to Tropicana, the world famous juice producer. There is nothing like orange juice here in Florida - a large glass a day keeps you fit and healthy, keeping those colds away. Its also great for your hair, nails and skin, plus it tastes delicious, especially when you know that the oranges are grown right here in Florida's citrus groves.


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